2018 President's Message

I would like to welcome everyone to the first ICHA show of 2018!

We have a great Board of Directors, consisting of both experienced board members and new board members. Thank you to all who have agreed to lend your hearts and minds in this endeavor to make the ICHA a vehicle for great cutting events. We plan to grow our Association and to tailor our shows for multiple levels of Cutters.

Denise Shewmaker has passed the duties of President to me, and we heartily thank Denise for everything she has accomplished for this Association for the past 10 years. Denise has done an amazing job and she will continue to manage our shows for 2018.

Sindy Haviland, our Treasurer for the past two years, has agreed to take on the additional position of Secretary, allowing Cindy Mann to step out of that position. Please see Sindy Haviland for all of your Secretary/Treasurer needs.

We encourage all members in attendance at the show and otherwise, to join us for a short General Membership meeting, Wednesday evening at 6:00pm, or after the show finishes. Our Association consists of members from across the northwest, west, and southwest, as well as here in Idaho.

We celebrate all of you and your passion for our sport. We need your voices to help us shape the direction of the ICHA as we proceed through 2018 and beyond.

We look forward to seeing many of you there.

Russ Miller
President, ICHA

Idaho Cutting Horse Association, INC.
[email protected]


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